There are more than 350 types of Italian bread, and they are delicious. They originate in different parts of the Italian peninsula, such as Sardinia, Puglia, Umbria, and other regions. Take a look at eight types of Italian bread that you should know about.
1. Ciabatta
Ciabatta means “slipper” in Italian, and this bread resembles a slipper in its shape. Many different regions in Italy make this bread, and it is popular all around the world. Ciabatta is a rectangular shape and the top rounds down to the sides. It is a great option for sandwiches. You can also eat it warm with olive oils, as it absorbs them really well.
Some bakers make it plain, while others add herbs and oils to it. It is delicious when it is fresh, and bakeries often make it daily. After a few days, it will go stale but it can be turned into croutons. It is made with a recipe that uses white flour and yeast, and some bakers use a sourdough starter. It is difficult for beginners to bake.
2. Coppia Ferrarese (Ciupèta)
Coppia Ferrarese is also called Ferrara bread or ciupeta. It has a unique shape of a cross, and it is a sourdough bread from the Italian city of Ferrara. They make two pieces of dough, and then they join them and knot them together. The dough they use is soft wheat, and it is called Mother Yeast. It can also be made in many different sizes depending on how many people it is serving.
This bread has been made for a long time. There are reports that it was first made in 1536 at a banquet that was honoring the Duke of Ferrara, but others say that it was developed from pane intorto back in the 12th century. It is made with flour, pork lard, extra virgin olive oil, sourdough, salt, water, and malt.
3. Focaccia
Focaccia is a popular Italian bread that is similar to pizza dough. Some people make it sweet, while others make it spicy. The region in Italy best known for focaccia is Liguria, and they make it one-half to one inch thick with a light crust. The bread is covered with oil. Some people make a variation called focaccia di Recco, and they stuff it with fresh cheese.
Focaccia is made with flour, water, oil, and yeast, and they often let it rise for more than 30 hours. It is stretched by hand before it is cooked. Then they make indentations on the top with their fingers before spreading oil across the top. It can be eaten plain or stuffed with cheeses, vegetables, sausage, or other foods. It often resembles pizza.
4. Friselle
Friselle is a twice-baked bread for snacking. It comes from Puglia in the south of Italy. It has a simple recipe along with a lot of flavor. You only need yeast, flour and water to make it, and then it is baked until it rises and is stable. Then you cut each one in half and toast them. It looks a little bit like a bagel.
Friselle is twice baked and shaped in a circle. When it is ready, it is a hard bread. They often top this bread with tomatoes and other foods. They are also soaked in olive oil, and they last a long time. When you prepare them at home, you should soak them for a little while to soften them up. If you are having them with tomatoes, soak them in olive oil mixed with juices from the sliced tomatoes before you eat them.
5. Grissini
Grissini are the Italian version of breadsticks. They are often served along with Italian meals. They can also be a great snack. They were first made in Turin in the 14th century, and there are quite a few stories about their origin. The truth is likely that a cook had extra pizza dough and made these breadsticks rather than throwing it out.
Grissini can be twisted or straight, and they can be flattened or squared. They can be crisp or soft, and they’re often covered in herbs, sesame seeds, or caramelized onions. You can also add honey or red pepper flakes to the dough to add some flavor. You can find them wrapped in prosciutto or eaten plain, and most people love them.
6. Panettone
Panettone comes from Milan, and it is an Italian bread that is yeast-leavened. It is often made with candied fruit peels, brandy, almonds, and raisins. The first known records are from 1839, where it was found in an Italian-Milanese dictionary. It has also been in a number of cookbooks from the region. It is a delicious sweet bread that is popular during Christmas.
7. Piadina Romagnola
Piadina Romagnola goes by a number of names, including piada, pieda, or pida, and it is flatbread that is made with wheat flour from Romagna. It can be eaten in slices or whole, and they stuff it with cheeses, meats, vegetables, honey, jam, or even chocolate. It comes from a peasant tradition and dates back many years, but it is very popular today.
Piadina is commonly found as street food in the chioschi in Romagna, and the first to cook it were the Etruscans. It is prepared without yeast, and they cook it on a stone or metal plate. The original name for it was Sfarinate. It is one of the most popular breads in this region.
8. Rosetta (Michetta)
Much like the name, rosetta bread is rose shaped, and it is also called Michetta. It comes from Lombardy and originated when Austria was ruling. The Austrian officials brought a round bread roll with crust, but the Italians found it too soft. They made something similar with a hollow center, but it was much crispier.
The name Michetta means crumb, and they often use it in sandwiches. They fill it with mozzarella, prosciutto, or pesto for a delicious lunch. In addition to rosette, they also call it stellina or bigne.